Dangers of Paracord Collars

It seems to have become really common for people to use paracord collars on their dog. However, I haven’t heard anyone mention the potential dangers of these types of collars. Any collar can be dangerous but I think that using paracord to make a collar can make a collar even more dangerous. 550 paracord by […]

The Benefits of using a Dog Bicycle Leash

If you are looking for a way to run with your dog but you can’t keep up with your dog check out a dog bicycle leash. There are multiple different brands but the one I am familiar with is the Walky Dog. They allow you to quickly and easily hook your dog up to your […]

Supplies For Your New Rescue Dog

– Crate Since you don’t really know your new rescue dog well or their history I highly recommend leaving them in a crate when you leave. This keeps them safe and prevents them from destroying your home. When you get to know your new family member better you can always leave them uncrated when you […]

Things to Consider Before You Get A New Dog

Here is a list of a few things that you may want to consider before you get a new dog. 1) Time Whether you decide to rescue an adult dog or a puppy dogs take a lot of time. It may not seem like much but it adds up. For example you may get a […]

Microchipping Your Dog Vs Dog Tags

There are some benefits to microchipping your dog that using a dog tag with a collar does not provide. First off collars can get taken off while your dogs microchip cannot. If your dog is stolen a collar could easily be removed and it would be more difficult to confirm that your dog is actually […]

Dog Collar Safety

Collars are very helpful for dogs. They provide a way to put a visible identification tag on your pets as well as allowing you a way to quickly stop a dog from darting out of the door. Although collars are necessary and very helpful there are some hidden dangers that you may not think about […]

Chain Link vs Welded Wire Dog Kennel

One of the things that can easily be overlooked when getting a dog is whether a chain link vs welded wire dog kennel is better. When I first got a dog I picked out a welded wire outdoor kennel without really thinking about it. It was easy to clip the panels together and you were […]

Necessary Dog Tag Information

It can be overwhelming to think about what information to put on a dogs tag so here are some tips that I have found to be helpful. If you move a lot check with your microchip company to see if they charge you to change your address or phone number in their system. It may […]

The Dangers of Dogs In Hot Cars

When it’s hot out it’s really tempting to leave your best friend in the car while you run inside to grab groceries or run an errand really quick. Please don’t it is extremely dangers to leave dogs in hot cars. Temperatures raise very quickly in a car even if it’s “just” 60 degrees outside. If […]

5 Benefits of Using a Dog Vehicle Harness

Are you wondering what 5 benefits are of using a dog vehicle harness? Check out my list below to find out why I prefer using a harness to a crate in the car. 1) They don’t take up a large amount of space in the car. 2) Your dog can move more freely in the […]