When your picking out a dog one item that you need that you may not put much thought into is the dog bowl. Sure the plastic ones come in fun colors but there are many cons to them you may not have thought of. First off plastic tends to hold odors which means that your […]
Choosing A Dog Name
When you first get a new dog it can be overwhelming when choosing a dog name. Everyone has a personal preference as to what kind of names to use when naming a dog. Some people prefer names that can also be the name of a person while others may try to avoid these types of […]
Are Small Dogs Better For An Apartment?
The short answer to this question is it depends…small dogs can be better in some ways yet there is no reason that you can’t have a large dog in an apartment. First off apartment complexes tend to be very picking about whether they allow dogs or not. What I have found in addition to this […]