A good amount of people use retractable leashes when they walk their dog. They are a good leash but when it comes to dog care they are not always the best idea.
In general I would use a retractable leash for dogs that…
Are extremely well trained and would be fine off leash but the law requires that they be on a leash.
Are a small lightweight dog that does not pull a lot on a leash.
Live in a rural area where you don’t want them off leash because their recall isn't excellent but you want them to be able to wander when you walk.
I would not use a retractable dog leash for dogs that…
– are people or dog reactive.
– like to chase larger animals (deer, etc.).
– pull hard on a leash or lunge on a leash
– have no recall.
My reasoning for these lists is that a dog that has no recall and won’t come to you when called will make it difficult to reel in the leash. It is way too common for retractable leashes to break or snap so I would not recommend them for dogs that lunge or pull a lot on a leash. In conclusion retractable leashes can be a great tool but please use them responsibly.