When your picking out a dog one item that you need that you may not put much thought into is the dog bowl. Sure the plastic ones come in fun colors but there are many cons to them you may not have thought of.
First off plastic tends to hold odors which means that your bowl could end up smelling bad after time. Also, if your dog chews on plastic they could break off pieces of the bowl which is a potential choking hazard. Another consideration is that it is possible the bowl could leach chemicals into the dogs food or water if it is a plastic bowl. Finally, if your looking to keep a dog bowl for water outside and live in a hot and cold climate plastic does not tend to hold up well to temperature extremes.
Metal bowls on the other hand may not be as decorative and colorful as their plastic counterparts but they are durable. Your dog also will not be able to chew and break off pieces of metal from the bowl which eliminates the choking hazard. In addition to this they are easy to clean with just some soap and water and won’t hold odors. Finally, they are more durable than plastic bowls and can be left out in temperature extremes without them breaking or cracking.